Brantford Chinese Alliance Church/Good Neighbour Chinese Church

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英语学习:新约《马太福音》第九章- 耶稣的事工、与法利赛人的冲突

英文经文和朗读链接:马太福音第九章NIV; 马太福音第九章dramatized NIV


  • 词汇学习:

    • 名词:mat(垫),booth(亭子),garment(衣服),compassion(怜悯) 

    • 动词:forgive(原谅),restore(恢复)

    • 形容词:harassed(骚扰的),helpless(无助的),paralyzed ( 瘫痪的),mute(哑的),plentiful(多的/丰收)

  • 重点句子的学习:9:12-14

    • On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 耶稣听见后,答道:“健康的人不需要医生,有病的人才需要。 

    • But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” 圣经上说,‘我喜爱怜悯之心,而非祭物’,你们去揣摩这句话的意思吧。我来不是要召义人,乃是要召罪人。

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  • 词汇学习:

    • 名词: awe(敬畏),sinner(罪人),bridegroom(新郎),wineskin(酒皮),tax collectors (税吏),sacrifice(祭物),cloak(披风)

    • 动词:blaspheming(亵渎上帝),entertain evil thoughts(心怀恶念), ruined(毁坏),preserve((保存),take heart(放心),proclaim(宣布)

    • 形容词:unshrunk(不缩水的),plentiful(丰富的)  

  • 特别用语:

    • Do not put new wine into old bottle.不要把新酒装在旧皮袋里。引申:把新的做法、原则等用于承受不了其压力的陈旧事物或守旧的人。

  • 全章朗读,对照中文版领会

  • 有关歌曲推荐:Here I am Lord

  • 句子:The Workers are Few 9:35-38

    • Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 耶稣走遍了各城各乡,在会堂里教导人,传讲天国的福音,医治各样的疾病。

    • When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 祂看见众人,心里怜悯他们,因为他们困苦无助,好像没有牧人的羊。

    • Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  耶稣对门徒说:“要收割的庄稼很多,工人却很少。 

    • Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”因此,你们要祈求庄稼的主人派更多的工人去收割。”

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