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英语学习:新约《哥林多后书2 Corinthians》背景和概要

背景:Following the sending of 1 Corinthians, Paul’s disciple, Timothy, visited Corinth, and discovered that the situation there had not improved (Acts 19:21–22). Responding to this emergency, Paul paid an immediate visit to Corinth. He later refers to this visit as “painful” (2 Cor. 2:1). Apparently, an anonymous adversary publicly confronted Paul and undermined(破坏) his authority. Whereas Paul had threatened to come to Corinth “with a stick” (1 Cor. 4:21), he was perceived(认为) on this later occasion as unimpressive and timid (2 Cor. 10:1). Leaving Corinth, Paul decided not to visit again until he had sent a letter “in much distress and anguish of the heart” (2 Cor. 2:4). It is possible that this letter has been lost. It is also possible that the letter was preserved and incorporated into the main body of 2 Corinthians 【也可能这封信保存下来变成了哥林多后的一部分内容】 as Chapters 10–13, an incongruous(前后不一的) section whose shift in tone from the optimism of the preceding chapters is jarring, and which seems to rehash(重新整理) a controversy(争议) that has already been resolved. Soon after the Corinthians received this agonized(痛苦的) letter, Titus(提多), another disciple of Paul, visited Corinth, and found the community repentant(悔改) as a result of Paul’s letter (2 Cor. 7:5–13). Returning to Paul in Macedonia, Titus brought the happy news. In the early fall of 57 a.d., rejoicing at the news of the Corinthian repentance, Paul then wrote the letter to the church at Corinth that became 2 Corinthians.[保罗写了前书给哥林多教会后,该地信徒的属灵情况未见好转,反有恶化的倾向,于是他亲往该处试图解决教会中的间题,但结果不能达到前往的目的,甚至双方闹得很不愉快 (见林后2:1)。 离开后,他在忧愁痛苦中(参2:3; 7:8)写了一封严厉责备教会的信,由提多带往哥林多。其间,保罗心里十分焦虑,盼望那封信能使教会回转。终于提多带回信徒悔改的喜信,于是保罗为之释然和欢喜 (参7章), 遂在马其顿写下本书(约为主后五十五至五十六年间),解释他改变行程的因由,劝勉教会接纳悔改者,解释自己事奉的身分和性质,并教导教会如何收集捐款赈济耶路撒冷信徒。]

概要:下面是the Bible Project 机构做的的一个大纲图示:

2 Corinthians Poster from the Bible Project:

英文经文和朗读链接:《哥林多后书2 Corinthians》第一章英文经文NIV链接《哥林多后书2 Corinthians》第一章dramatized NIV现代译本和NIV中英文对照第一章和合本和NIV中英文对照第一章ESV 和NIV英文版本对照

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