Worship & Fellowship
中文主日崇拜 Sunday worship (国语)
主日敬拜(实体+网上):周日下午多伦多时间 2 pm - 3: 00 pm;主日学/祷告会/赞美操:3:10 pm - 4:00 pm
请点击参加网上敬拜zoom链接 :https://zoom.us/j/658343935 (在登录时,需要选择音频连接才听到声音。你也可以选择电话接入:+1 647 558 0588, 然后输入会议代码:658 343 935,再加#号)
地点:506 West St, Brantford, ON N3R 3W7
時間: 每週一早上 10:30 pm - 12:00 pm
地點:Hamiton and Brantford Joint Fellowship 联合团契
1st and 3rd weeks: 50 Breadalbane St, Hamilton, ON (Hamilton Chinese Alliance Church 地下室聯誼廳)
2nd and 4th weeks: 506 West St, Brantford, ON (Bethel Reformed Church 一樓聯誼廳,從側門進入)
如需要交通協助的話,請與黃牧師聯繫 905-966-0977。
小牧人国语青年团契/Young Shepherd Youth Fellowship:
针对可以in-person 参加的Brantford和Hamilton周边的国语学生青年(16-35岁),具体活动细节见微信群通知。
Hallways to Campus: connecting students across life stages: A network for post-secondary students to find resources and mentors for a successful transition to various stages of post secondary studies and/or early careers. Facebook group (private): https://www.facebook.com/groups/731113494262036 [English Group ]
国际妈妈祷告小组(每月第2&4周):多伦多时间周五8:00PM~9:15 PM (Meeting ID: 870 6820 5706;密码:1001)【暂停】