2023加拿大华人学生巡回音乐布道会2023 Canadian Chinese Student Music Evangelical Tour

加拿大华人宣道会联会(华联会)和加拿大校园福音团契共同筹办主要针对华人学生的中文巡回音乐布道会, 先后于五个个城市举行,包括密西沙加、伦敦、滑铁卢、海明顿及圣凯瑟琳斯市。音乐敬拜乐团由安省几个城市的高中生、大学生及职业青年组成。音乐布道会时间为9月1日(Mississauga)、3日(London)、8日(Waterloo), 9日(Hamilton) 和16日(St Catherines) 晚上7点 - 9点。 

Canadian Chinese Alliance Churches Association (CCACA) and Canadian Campus Evangelical Fellowship (CCEF) will present jointly the 2023 Canadian Chinese Student Music Evangelical Tour in September, supported by local churches/student fellowships. The concerts will be on the evenings of Sept 1 (Mississauga), 2 (Toronto), 3 (London), 8 (Waterloo) and 9 (Hamilton), 2023. .

附:2023加拿大华人学生巡回音乐布道会介绍 - 致华人学生青年朋友 https://brantfordcac.blogspot.com/2023/07/2023_28.html

2023 音乐布道会敬拜乐团练习花絮:https://youtu.be/9aOALngYHk0



2023华人学生音乐布道会报名表 Sign Up Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfa_-bYH-sWberJMspS5sLu1f2zWLlzVXxDoXq2GzhBwQ-Blg/viewform?usp=sf_link

巡回日期、举办地点及协办教会Dates, venues and partners:

  1. 9月1日周五:迦密国语宣道会 (Mississauga)/Sept 1: Mississauga Carmel Mandarin Alliance Church(5725 Terry Fox Way, Mississauga, ON L5V 3E3)

  2. 9月3日周日:西伦敦宣道会中文堂(原伦敦华人宣道会)(London)/Sept 3: West London Alliance Church (750 Wonderland Rd N, London, ON N6H 4K9)

  3. 9月8日周五:活泉华人宣道会 (Waterloo) /Sept 8: Kitchener-Waterloo Chinese Alliance Church(612 Erb St. W, Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z4)

  4. 9月9日周六:海明顿华人宣道会 (Hamilton)/Sept 9: Hamilton Chinese Alliance Church (50 Breadalbane St, Hamilton, ON L8R 3G1)

  5. 9月16日周六: 圣市华人宣道会 (St. Catherines) /Sept 16: St. Catharines Chinese Alliance Church (237 Rykert St, St. Catharines, ON L2S 3T8)

Ken HuangComment