最新动态 Events
主任牧师新年问候 2025 New Year Greetings from Senior Pastor
新New! 奉献方式变更 Methods of Donations Changed
主日敬拜地点和时间变更 Sunday Worship Location & Time Changed
赞美操及百乐午餐 Praising Dance & Potluck Lunch
Welcome to find out more information about our latest events and announcements.
Worship & Fellowship
Our routine gatherings include Sunday worship services, family group meetings, student fellowship meetings, and special event celebrations etc. You are invited to join us. Should you need a ride to our events, please contact us.
Nurturing materials
信徒应当追求属灵生命的成长,平衡全备地认识真理,真正成为耶稣基督的门徒,活出荣神益人的生命。Believers should pursue spiritual growth and maturity, learn and know the truth in fullness and balance, become a true disciple of Jesus Christ, and live out lives that glorify God and benefit others.
About us
睦邻华人教会(布兰福华人宣道会)诚挚邀请你一起来认识耶稣,接受祂的宝贵的救恩,一起来敬拜赞美神!Good Neighbour Chinese Church (Formerly Brantford CAC) sincerely invites you to come to know Jesus, receive his priceless salvation and redemption, and worship God together.
联系我们 Contact us
主日崇拜地点 Sunday worship location:
实体+网上 In-person & Online
506 West St, Brantford, ON
Office time: Tuesday to Sunday by appointment