For the Cause基督是缘由



For the cause of Christ the King 主基督,我願獻上
We give our lives, an offering 生命給祢成為活祭
'Til all the earth resounds 直到全地
With ceaseless praise To the Son 同聲讚美救主不息。

For the cause of Christ we go 主基督,差遣我們
With joy to reap, with faith to sow憑信撒種歡呼收割;
As many see 完全信靠
And many put their trust in the Son 神子耶穌恆久堅又穩。

Christ we proclaim 我們宣揚,
The Name above every name 主超乎萬名之上。
For all creation藉神子耶穌,
Every nation 完成救贖,
God's salvation Through the Son! 贖救萬國萬邦。

For the King once lifted high 主我王,曾被高舉
To cries of rage, of crucify! 眾怒強釘祂十字架;
Endured the cross 終究忍辱
As every sin was laid On the Son 背負世上眾人的罪孽

To the King who conquered death 主我王,勝過死亡。
To free the poor and the oppressed貧困欺壓,今得釋放!
For lasting peace 賜下永遠
For life and liberty In the Son的生命自由和平安。

Christ we proclaim 我們宣揚,
The Name above every name 主超乎萬名之上。
For all creation藉神子耶穌,
Every nation 完成救贖,
God's salvation Through the Son! 贖救萬國萬邦。

Let it be my life's refrain願一生歌頌傳揚,
To live is Christ, to die is gain或生或死,榮耀君王!
Deny myself, take up my cross背起十架
And follow the Son捨棄所有跟隨主我王。

Christ we proclaim 我們宣揚,
The Name above every name 主超乎萬名之上。
For all creation藉神子耶穌,
Every nation 完成救贖,
God's salvation Through the Son! 贖救萬國萬邦。

Ken HuangComment