Joy to the World 普世欢腾


Joy to the world 普世欢腾!

The Lord has come 救主下降

Let earth receive her King 大地迎接君王

Let every heart prepare Him room 惟愿众心预备地方

And heaven and nature sing 诸天万物歌唱

And heaven and nature sing 诸天万物歌唱

And heaven and heaven and nature sing 诸天,诸天万物歌唱

Joy to the earth 普世欢腾!

The Savior reigns主治万方

Let men their songs employ我们首当歌唱

While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains, 沃野、洪涛、山石、平原,

Repeat the sounding joy 响应歌声嘹亮,

Repeat the sounding joy响应歌声嘹亮,

Repeat, repeat the sounding joy响应,响应歌声嘹亮

No more let sins and sorrows grow, 罪恶忧愁,不容再长!

Nor thorns infest the ground; 世途荆棘消亡;

He comes to make His blessings flow化诅为恩无远弗届,

Far as the curse is found, 到处主泽流长,

Far as the curse is found, 到处主泽流长,

Far as, far as, the curse is found. 到处,到处主泽流长。

He rules the world with truth and grace, 主藉真理恩治万方

And makes the nations prove要使万邦证明

The glories of His righteousness, 上主公义

And wonders of His love, 主爱奇妙莫名

And wonders of His love, 主爱奇妙莫名

And wonders, wonders, of His love. 主爱,主爱奇妙莫名

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