O Come O Come Emmanuel 以马内利,恳求降临


1.以马内利,恳求降临,救赎释放以色列民; Yǐ mǎ nèi lì, kěnqiú xiáng lín, jiùshú shìfàng yǐsèliè mín

沦落异邦,寂寞伤心,引颈渴望神子降临。 Lúnluò yìbāng, jìmò shāngxīn, yǐnjǐng kěwàng sChinesehénzi jiànglín.

欢欣,欢欣,以色列民,以马内利必定降临。Huānxīn, huānxīn, yǐsèliè mín, yǐ mǎ nèi lì bìdìng jiànglín.

O Come O come Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel

That mourns in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear

Rejoice, Rejoice, Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel

2. O come, Thou Rod of Jes-se, free Thine own from Sa-tan's tyr-an-ny;

From depths of hell Thy peo-ple save,

And give them vic-tory over the grave.

Re-joice! Re-joice! Em-man-u-el Shall come to thee, O Is-ra-el!

耶西之杖,恳求降临;撒旦手中释放子民;Yé xī zhī zhàng, kěnqiú xiáng lín; sādàn shǒuzhōng shìfàng zi mín;

地狱深处,拯救子民,使众得胜死亡之坟; Dìyù shēn chù, zhěngjiù zi mín, shǐ zhòng déshèng sǐwáng zhī fén

欢欣,欢欣,以色列民,以马内利必定降临。Huānxīn, huānxīn, yǐsèliè mín, yǐ mǎ nèi lì bìdìng jiànglín.

(interlude 15 seconds 间奏约15秒, 大概在1‘41”40位置)

3.O come, Thou Day-spring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thine advent here;

And drive away the shades of night,

And pierce the clouds and bring us light!

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel.

清晨日光,恳求降临,藉主降临欢慰众心Qīngchén rìguāng, kěnqiú xiáng lín, jí zhǔ jiànglín huān wèi zhòng xīn

冲破长夜幽暗阴沉,带来光明驱散黑云Chōngpò chángyè yōu'àn yīnchén, dài lái guāngmíng qūsàn hēi yún

欢欣,欢欣,以色列民,以马内利必定降临。Huānxīn, huānxīn, yǐsèliè mín, yǐ mǎ nèi lì bìdìng jiànglín.

4.大卫之钥(yào),恳求降临,为我众人大开天门; Dà wèi zhī yào, kěnqiú xiáng lín, wèi wǒ zhòngrén dà kāi tiānmén.

铺平我众登天路程,关闭人间痛苦路径。 Pū píng wǒ zhòng dēng tiān lùchéng, guānbì rénjiān tòngkǔ lùjìng.

欢欣,欢欣,以色列民,以马内利必定降临。Huānxīn, huānxīn, yǐsèliè mín, yǐ mǎ nèi lì bìdìng jiànglín.

O Come, Thou Key of David, come and open wide our heav’nly home,

Make safe the way that leads on high, and close the path to misery.

Rejoice, Rejoice, Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel

Ken HuangComment