英语学习:新约《马太福音》第三章 - 开路先锋和耶稣受洗
英文经文和朗读链接:马太福音(NIV)第三章; 马太福音第三章dramatized NIV
专有名词:John(约翰), Isaiah(以赛亚), Jordan River(约旦河)
名词:kingdom of heaven(天国), sin(罪),ax(斧头)
动词:confess(承认),flee from(逃离),consent (同意)
In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, 那时,施洗者约翰来到犹太的旷野传道,说:
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. “悔改吧,因为天国临近了!”
专有名词:Pharisees(法利赛人), Sadducees(撒都该人)
名词:Baptist(施洗者), wilderness(旷野), brood of vipers(毒蛇的后代), wrath(烈怒), repentance(忏悔), chaff (糠)
动词:preach(讲道),repent(忏悔), baptize(施洗), deter (阻止), descend(降下)
形容词:winnowing(风吹), threshing(脱粒), alighting(下来) , unquenchable(不灭的/坚不可摧的)
Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” 耶稣回答说:“你就这样做吧!我们理当这样遵行上帝一切的要求。”
Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 于是约翰答应了。 耶稣受了洗,刚从水里上来,天就开了。祂看见上帝的圣灵像鸽子一样降到祂身上,
And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” 又有声音从天上传来:“这是我的爱子,我甚喜悦祂。”
名画欣赏:耶稣受洗 Baptism of Christ c.1640 (State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg[by Francesco Albani or Albano (17 March or 17 August 1578 – 4 October 1660) , an Italian Baroque painter]